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Approved Minutes April 17th City Council Meeting

Regular Meeting Minutes

Cabool Board of Aldermen

Monday, April 17th, 2023, 5:30 p.m.

Cabool City Hall, 618 Main Street

Present:  Arnold Larson – Street Dept. Supt., Clayton Steelman – Park Dept. Supt., Wally Darter – Assistant Police Chief, Stacy Monter- Electric Dept. Supt., Ryan Wood, Debra Moore, and Kiersten Locke – Cabool Chamber, Chris Owens – YMCA, Becky Scott – Senior Center, John Casey, Conway Hawn -  City Attorney, Ron Scheets – City Administrator, Kim Elliott - City Clerk

Call to Order:  Mayor Cannon called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with the following Aldermen present:

                                Alderman Brad Roberts

                                Alderwoman Kate Ellison

                                Alderman John Williams

                                Alderman John Mark Hale

Public Comment:  None

Approval of Agenda:  A motion was made by Hale/Williams to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.

  1. Unfinished Business:


  1. Accept Certification of Municipal Election on April 4, 2023:  The Certification of Election was received from the Texas County Clerk.  The results are as follows:


Alderman Ward I – Brad Roberts, 59 votes

Alderman Ward II – John Mark Hale, 43 votes


A motion was made by Williams/Ellison to accept the municipal election certification.  The following roll call vote was recorded:  Roberts – aye, Ellison – aye, Williams – aye, Hale – aye.


A motion was made by Hale/Williams to adjourn the regular meeting for the Oaths of Office.  City Clerk Kim Elliott administered the Oaths of Office to the newly re-elected Aldermen, Brad Roberts and John Mark Hale.


The regular meeting was then called back to order by Mayor Cannon.





  1. New Business:


  1. Regular Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2023:  A motion was made by Roberts/Ellison to approve the minutes.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. Police Report – March 2023:  A motion was made by Roberts/Williams to approve the report.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. Municipal Court Report – March 2023: A motion was made by Ellison/Hale to approve the report.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. Financial Report – March 2023: Alderman Williams asked about the CD renewal information that Alderman Roberts had inquired about last month.  There was discussion about the interest rates and the CD terms.  Alderman Roberts stated that one had already renewed since our last meeting.  A motion was made by Roberts/Hale to get information on CD interest rates from the local banks.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.  City Clerk Kim Elliott asked City Attorney Conway Hawn if banking information had to be formally advertised, or if we can just go the banks directly.  Hawn stated that we can go to the banks directly.


  1. Paid Bills – March 2023: A motion was made by Roberts/Hale to approve the paid bills. Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. Fireworks Contract for 2023: The City prepaid for the fireworks show in November of last year in order to get bonus product.  The show is scheduled for July 4th.  This is the actual contract for the show that needs to be signed and sent back to Premier Pyrotechnics.  A motion was made by Ellison/Roberts to approve the contract.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. Lifeguards for 2023: Donna Sullivan had left a list of possible guards for 2023 pool season.  Alderman Williams stated there were some on the list he knew had not even applied this year.  It was the consensus of the Board of Aldermen that they would like to see a complete list of who will actually be working this summer.  Scheets stated that there was a time constraint, and if we wait until our May meeting, there will only be a couple weeks before the pool opens, and that would not allow time for training.  It was stated that if we need to have a special meeting to approve the lifeguards for 2023, that we could do that.  A motion was made by Roberts/Ellison to table the matter until a later date in order to get an updated lifeguard list for 2023.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. Quarterly Reports:


  1. YMCA – Sharon Monter had provided a written financial report as she was not able to attend the meeting this evening.  Chris Owens was present to discuss the proposed new YMCA.  They have already met with the architect firm they had selected, and they have been down here to look at a few proposed locations.  One of the locations they had looked at near Ozark and Rogers is not an option any longer as the owner decided they did not want to sell the property at this time.  The other 2 locations were near Cabool Middle School and were not deemed to be good locations.  So they have zeroed in on a location on the Pine Street side of Roberts Park – near the ampi-theatre. The architect met them there to look over the site and feel it is a good option to build.  Owens stated he was present to get the Board of Aldermen’s thoughts and to find out if they are even interested in having it located in the park.  Mayor Cannon asked if they had contacted the Christian Church about their property, and Mr. Owens stated they did not wish to sell it or donate it at this time.  City Administrator Ron Scheets asked if they had looked at the former Sunrise Trailer Court property on the east end of town by Casey’s.  Mr. Owens stated they had not really looked into it as they did not think it would be a good idea to be so close to the Casey’s store where they sell alcohol.  Mr. Owens stated they feel the Roberts Park site would be the most feasible, and stated they should be able to build it and not have to take out the ampi-theatre.  Mayor Cannon stated he would not be happy if the ampi-theatre was disturbed.  He asked if they had thought about looking into the 2 houses on the corner of First and Pine, as that would make a lot larger space to be utilized.  Mr. Owens stated they had talked about the one on the corner, but was told they wanted $78,000 for it.  So he didn’t think that would be a good option.   Alderman Hale asked if the property had been dedicated to the City strictly for a park.  City Administrator Ron Scheets stated we would have to go way back and do some research.  City Attorney Conway Hawn stated we would have to look back at the deed to see if there were any restrictive covenants put on the property when the City received it.


A motion was made by Roberts/Williams to allow the YMCA to use the property for their new building as long as there are not restrictive covenants on the deed.  The following roll call vote was recorded:  Roberts – aye, Ellison – aye, Williams – aye, Hale – aye.  Mr. Owens stated that they will get with the Architect to proceed to make sure it would be a good place to build.  Alderman Hale stated nothing could be done until we find out about any restrictions.  Mr. Hawn stated he will get with the title company to see what he can find out.


  1. Cabool Chamber of Commerce:  Kiersten Locke introduced herself as the newly elected Chamber President, and introduced Ryan Wood who is the new treasurer.  She stated the former Director had moved on to other things, and they are trying to get things done.  She stated they would like to meet with the City at a future date as they have several things they would like to discuss, and didn’t want to take up all the time this evening.  Wood stated they have a four year projection plan, and are looking at rebranding the Chamber.  He stated their main focus is to promote and support local businesses.  He presented a brief outline of the Chamber’s plan moving forward.   They want the Chamber to be a go to resource for our community.  Alderman Roberts stated they are planning a meeting on April 24th at 6:00 p.m. to get all the groups together and talk about developing a community Facebook page.  He invited all the groups present to attend this meeting.


  1. Cabool Senior Center: Becky Scott was present on behalf of the Senior Center.  She presented a written report, and stated their finances were pretty good right now since they hadn’t fully re-opened since Covid.  She also reported that they are working on a grant to expand the kitchen so they can prepare meals there instead of bringing them over from the high rise. 


  1. Cabool History Society: No one was present but they had provided a written report.  A motion was made by Hale/Williams to approve the YMCA, Chamber, Senior Center, and History Society quarterly reports.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. STARS:  No one was present but a written report had been provided.  A motion was made by Hale/Ellison to approve the STARS report.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.


  1. Cabool Development Foundation:  Ron Scheets stated they had met today, and there is a lot going on.  There are 9 new houses being built at Woodland Heights, and they will be starting the apartments out there soon.  He stated we had talked about a tiny home project a few meetings ago, but that property has since been sold, so that will not happen.  Scheets also reported that the Chinese Restaurant seems to be doing very well and staying busy.  They had also talked about getting all of the groups together so they will know what is going on and be able to work better together.  He also reported that Brad Roberts had cleaned up the lot where the old Kokopelli store was, and it looks really nice.  He also stated that the coin operated water dispenser is installed and working, and you must use quarters or dollar bills, and the price is basically $1.00 per 100 gallons.   Mr. Scheets also stated they had discussed trying to find a replacement for Ron Reed to help with economic development.


  • City Administrator’s Report:


Mr. Scheets had presented the following written report to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen:

April 17, 2023

City Administrator Report


        April has come in like a lion as they say, we have had a few weather events so far that have caused a few issues, but not too bad. I will get to those later.


        The Housing projects in the Woodland Heights area are continuing to move forward, Eli is continuing to build the streets and has multiple homes sold, even before they are built.


        The Dollar General remodel is almost complete, it will now be known as a “DG Market” and is the first one in our area! The new store will offer more items, and much more grocery selection.


        The new Chinese restaurant is now open! A few us were there on opening day. Opening day was pretty chaotic, they sold out by around 4pm. The next few days were pretty much the same. I have had a chance to visit with the owners and they are very tired, but are very happy with the reception they have received so far.


        I have met with Riley Dotson on the development that is planned north of the Casey’s on the North end of town. He has been doing some final cleanup at the location, and the manholes have been ordered to get our part finished up. Riley will also be the one installing the EV Charging Stations in that location.


        We have had our kick-off meeting for the DRA Grant for Twin-Cities, and are waiting to hear from CDBG to get an orientation meeting set with them.


        The sewer line on North Cedar St should commence very soon also.


        Clean-up week starts Monday the 17th, and we are seeing a lot of stuff piled out for pickup already. I have sent letters to some of the residents that we have had complaints on previously, encouraging them to take advantage of cleanup week, and let us help them with their issues. The letter also states that if things aren’t cleaned up that week will begin issuing municipal summons the following week. I have also sent out letters to the owners of the buildings downtown that have been sitting empty for some time. This letter states that we want to have an inspection of the property within 30 days of the date of the letter. We have had a little push back, as we expected, but we are following the advice of our attorney and in the event we are not allowed to inspect, we will ask the judge to issue a “warrant to inspect” allowing us to lawfully enter the property.


        The Street Department: has been busy cleaning up from our rain events, they have pretty much cleaned out all the culverts they can and are getting set up with the Water department to jet out the ones that need it. Arnold told me that they have also cleaned a lot of ditches and grates. They will continue to be busy helping with the cleanup week and hauling off brush. Arnold did get asphalt last Tuesday and got most of the potholes filled. I’m sure they will have more to get to as they can.


        The Park Department: has jumped right into mowing season. With mowing getting more and more frequent, and t-ball and coach pitch beginning, the 2 park guys are scrambling to get some maintenance items knocked out. Last week with the help of Tyler from the Water Department they got a new metal roof on the shelter across from Peoples bank. This took a little time out of their mowing, but I’m glad they got that done while the weather allowed. Clayton is planning to do a lot of pressure washing and re-staining of the shelters and equipment this spring. They have also received the new bleachers for the Roberts Park softball field. They have been assembled and should give quite a bit more seating there. Clayton has been nursing a pull in his shoulder and is doing quite a bit better now.


        The Water/Sewer Department: has had a few leaks this past month, but the biggest thing they have had is a sewer backup at the Casey’s West location. This occurred the evening we had about 6 inches of rain in just a few hours. This has been turned over to our insurance carrier and they are working with Casey’s to get this settled. Our carrier did ask if we could get the line videoed to show any issues. Tyler has been taking classes with some of Mountain Grove’s employees, and they offered to come down and video the line for us. They did that and I emailed the video to MIRMA for their use. That line is one of the older lines in the system and is a clay tile line. We were actually pleased with how the line looked over all, just a few places that we may have to do a little work on. Seth is back from his hernia surgery, he is not allowed to lift much at all, but he can do most of the testing that is his responsibility on a daily basis.


        The Electric Department: has had a few outages due to weather, one on Zimmerman on the older copper line that serves out toward M HWY. The others have been random outages around town and have been pretty minor. The wind seemed to cause the worst one with a tree top breaking off and hitting a main line.


        I had to attend a couple of MMMPEP meetings this past month in St. Robert and Columbia. We are still working on our agreements to become owners of generation in our future contracts. This will help stabilize our prices in the future. We have not really seen it hit our system yet, but overall we are seeing lower natural gas prices and that is a good thing for the cities in our group. I also attended the Lineman Appreciation Day at the Capital, we had the opportunity to meet with Rep. Bennie Cook and Senator Eslinger. They both recognized our local utilities on the floor of the House and Senate, and we were presented a Resolution from Rep. Cook.


        Stacy has also had to have shoulder surgery on the 5th of April. He is doing well, and will not have to be off an extended time, but will be limited as to what he will be able to do. He has already been in making sure his guys have something to do.


        The Police Department: is down one officer, they are advertising to replace him. They did have some damage to a vehicle that happened when the light bar came loose. That vehicle was fixed at Pruitt’s Body shop in Willow Springs last week, and is back in service. Bruce is also installing the camera system in the new Tahoe, and it should be back in service by the time we actually meet this month. The camera is part of the current LLEBG Grant.


        Appointments are on the agenda this month as well as the organization giving their quarterly reports. There is a lot on the agenda so I hope to give you most of my information in this report.


  1. Project Update:  Scheets stated the Dollar General renovation is moving forward and the parking lot is being redone.  The signage went up, and this will be the only Dollar General Market in our area.  It is supposed to have more groceries and more fresh items.  Mr. Scheets also reported that he had met with Riley Dotson, and the project on the north side by Casey’s is moving forward, and we are currently waiting for the manholes.  The EV Charging Station is also moving forward.   Right now there are plans for 2 stations that can charge 2 cars on each station.  Mr. Scheets also stated that he had been approached by someone that is looking for a location for an impound lot.


  1. Grant Update:  The police department received a grant for computers, and about half the items purchased with the LLEBG grant have been installed.  They had a kickoff meeting for the DRA grant for Twin Cities at Dunn, and we were also notified by the Department of Economic Development that they would like to do a formal event for the Twin Cities grant, as it is a very large grant.  So we will see what they come up with.


  1. Street Shop Roofing Quotes: Scheets reported that Street Superintendent Arnold Larson had gotten 3 quotes to replace the roof on the street department shop:


West Plains Roofing - $28,750

Licking Roofing - $18,775


Arnold stated the 3rd quote was so far out of the ball park that it wasn’t worth mentioning.  He stated both bids had a 10 year warranty, and would use similar materials, and both companies were about 2 months out.


A motion was made by Roberts/Williams to go with the quote from Licking Roofing Company in the amount of $18,775.00.  The following roll call vote was recorded:  Roberts – aye, Ellison – aye, Williams – aye, Hale – aye.


Mr. Scheets stated he had failed to mention something earlier.  Chief Sigman couldn’t be here this evening, but he had an officer resign.  He wanted to know if we would entertain the idea of paying for the training academy if we had a contract that they would have to work here for a specified number of years, as well as pay them a 40 hour per week wage while they are attending the academy.  Mr. Scheets stated that several communities around us are having to do this type of thing to get new officers.  Alderwoman Ellison asked how long the academy was, and it was stated 3 to 4 months.  Alderman Roberts stated we should have Chief Sigman come up with a pay plan and bring it to our next meeting.

Mr. Scheets also stated that we would like to hire a part time employee in the Park Department to assist with mowing and weed eating this summer.  A motion was made by Hale/Roberts to hire a part time employee for the park department.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and o nays.


Mr. Scheets also reported that spring clean-up week started today, and there is a lot of stuff out.


  1. City Attorney’s Report:


  1. First Reading - Council Bill No. 1110 – Ordinance No. 004-2023:  AN ORDINANCE VACATING WESTWOOD DRIVE IN THE CITY OF CABOOL, MISSOURI.  A motion was made by Hale/Williams to introduce the bill for the first reading.  The following roll call vote was recorded:  Roberts – aye, Ellison – aye, Williams – aye, Hale – aye.


  1. Second Reading – Council Bill No. 1110 – Ordinance No. 004-2023:  AN ORDINANCE VACATING WESTWOOD DRIVE IN THE CITY OF CABOOL, MISSOURI.  A motion was made by Roberts/Hale to introduce the bill for the second reading.  The following roll call vote was recorded:  Roberts – aye, Ellison – aye, Williams – aye, Hale – aye.  Council Bill No. 1110 will become City Ordinance No. 004-2023.


  1. Discussion: Hawn stated he wanted to give an update on a few items.  We had done an ordinance regarding home based businesses a couple months ago, but now there is a bill ready to pass that is changing regulations yet again.  The first change took away almost all authority from cities, but this second bill gives some authority back to the cities.  So he feels we need to hold off on passing this ordinance until the new bill is in effect.  Also, we have discussed changing out viscous animal ordinance to remove “pit bulls”.  Nothing has passed at state level as of yet, but they keep kicking it around.  Mr. Hawn stated he had discussed this with Chief Sigman, and he feels we should make our viscous animal ordinance non breed specific.  A motion was made by Hale/Ellison to have Mr. Hawn draw up a new viscous animal ordinance making it non breed specific.  The following roll call vote was recorded:  Roberts – aye, Ellison – aye, Williams – aye, Hale – aye.


  1. Board Reports:


Alderman Roberts:  Stated there is a big mess on the alley behind the First Baptist Church, he hadn’t notice it until the event they had on Sunday.


Alderwoman Ellison:  Reported there was a huge mess on Peabody Street (a Dzurick rental), and Mr. Scheets stated he will be getting a letter.


Alderman Williams:  Asked if there were any updates on the MODOT sidewalk project, and Mr. Scheets stated he hadn’t heard anything more.


Alderman Hale:  Had complaints about the railroad crossing on Hwy 181.  The railroad fixed the tracks, but now the road is extremely rough.  Mr. Scheets stated that he had already talked to MODOT about this.  He also asked about the parking lot at Roberts Park.  Arnold stated they had worked on it, then it rained and got muddy, then they had other projects, and now clean up week.  Mayor Cannon stated he wanted us to get it done.  Arnold asked if they should pave it yet, or if the YMCA project will tear it up.  Mayor Cannon stated we should hold off on the paving part.  Ryan Wood commented at this time that the walkways should be more handicap accessible, and assumed the YMCA project would have to be handicap accessible as well.  Alderman Hale also commented that the outfield grass at Roberts Park is really high and needs to be cleaned up.  Mr. Scheets stated that Clayton generally sprays it, but that needs to be done at particular times.  Alderman Hale also stated that someone else had to mow a ballfield recently.  Park Department Superintendent Clayton Steelman stated he had planned to do it but they were putting the roof on the shelter at the Gazebo Park, and he had told Sharon they would get it the next day, but they had someone do it.


  1. Mayor’s Report:


  1. Annual Appointments:  Mayor Cannon stated he would like to make the following annual appointments:

                City Attorney – Conway Hawn

                City Prosecuting Attorney – Jason MacPherson

                Municipal Judge – Rizwan Ahad

                City Administrator – Ron Scheets

                City Clerk – Kim Elliott

                Fire Chief – Brent Honeycutt

A motion was made by Hale/Williams to approve the appointments.  The following roll call vote was recorded:  Roberts – aye, Ellison – aye, Williams – aye, Hale – aye.


  1. Set Date for Next Regular Meeting:  Mayor Cannon stated the next regular meeting will be held Monday, May 15, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.


There being no further business, a motion was made by Hale/Roberts to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m.  Motion carried with 4 ayes and 0 nays.





                                                                                                Danny Cannon, Mayor




Kim Elliott, City Clerk